Supplier Code of Conduct 

All suppliers engaged by Chisholm Institute are required to comply with the Victorian Government Supplier Code of Conduct and Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy. This ensures that all suppliers meet a set of minimum ethical standards. The Supplier Code of Conduct is published on the Buying for Victoria website. View the Child Safety and Wellbeing policy.

Our approach to working with suppliers to manage health and safety  

Worker health, safety, and well-being are important to Chisholm. Suppliers are expected to provide a healthy and safe work environment and integrate sound health and safety management practices into their business.  

Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws relating to workplace health and safety.  

Suppliers are expected to:  

  1. manage occupational health and safety hazards 
  2. provide workers with job-related training and consult with employees in relation to the provision of information and training
  3. comply with Chisholm's code of Conduct and Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
  4. in collaboration with Chisholm, identify, prevent and reduce risks of child abuse and harm.

Prior to engagement, all contractors will complete an assessment questionnaire to ensure they comply with the conditions of working at Chisholm and provide any required copies of appropriate licences, professional certification, and any other suitable checks and declarations.

An induction is to be conducted for all contractors and the induction checklist submitted. Before performing work on site contractors are to check in at the respective campus contractor reception area.