Our Commitment to Leadership Excellence
At Chisholm, our commitment to leadership excellence is at the core of our organisational objective. Our Leadership Capability Framework stands as a testament to the significant investment we make in attracting and developing exceptional leaders.
Developed to align with Chisholm's strategic objectives, pillars, and business area plans, the framework outlines the skills and behaviours we value in our leaders across five key categories.
Whether you're a prospective candidate or an internal staff member aspiring to a leadership role, our Framework offers a structured and comprehensive approach to guide your professional development journey. At Chisholm, we believe in empowering our leaders to demonstrate consistency in the capabilities essential for achieving both our present and future objectives.
![the foundational skills and behaviours of the Leadership Capability Framework infographic](https://mc-144d79d2-0071-496e-ac6f-746126-cdn-endpoint.azureedge.net/-/media/images/about/careers/lcf_infographic.png?rev=b2ca94de9b8241e89611b414b8438f15&hash=E074F4EAA5EE459A9531ECEAB35A184A)
View the Leadership Capability Framework (LCF) Infographic Transcript
Chisholm’s Leadership Capability Framework provides a structured and comprehensive approach to developing, assessing, and enhancing the skills and behaviours of our leaders and to guarantee that our leaders demonstrate consistency in those capabilities required to accomplish our present and future objectives.
The Framework has been constructed with careful consideration of Chisholm’s strategic objectives and pillars, and business area plans. It sets out the skills and behaviours that we wish to be visible in all Chisholm Leaders, through presenting our capability expectations.
The Framework is structured into five categories, with six capabilities falling under each category. These capabilities are categorised across four levels: Foundational, Applied, Accomplished, and Leading. While we expect all leaders at Chisholm to have capability levels within the Applied, Accomplished, and Leading areas, the Framework provides guidance for workforce planning and professional development tailored to individual leadership levels.
Recruitment resources
Each leader’s position description outlines the current capabilities that best align to the position’s business plans and focus for a particular year, and the expected levels of each. This guides recruitment candidates on the expectation of behaviours and skills that are required to undertake the requirements of the role.
To learn more about the Leadership Capability Framework review our current vacancies and review its position description.