
At Chisholm, we work with you to tailor training for your business, organisation or college, no matter where you are located.

We have extensive experience in delivering significant offshore projects globally, including commercial, government and aid/development-funded activities.  

Wherever we operate, our drive for success is underpinned by our core values of collaboration, accountability, integrity and respect.

We deliver success

Our expertise as a large, government-owned vocational training provider is recognised by governments, educational institutes and businesses worldwide.

Our services include:

  • capacity building: creating value for partners through customised vocational education and training services
  • transnational partnerships: in-country training and qualifications that seamlessly pathway into Chisholm higher education courses
  • teacher training: delivery of Australian qualifications, mentoring, professional development and in-country industry connections
  • executive and leadership training: organisational transformation through leadership approaches that effectively deal with business challenges.

Our scope is broad

Through successful partnerships, we develop the capabilities of leaders and future leaders, deliver customised and industry-focused training, train and mentor teachers, and build capacity. 

While our focus for international projects is on allied health, clean energy, engineering, building and construction, and business and IT, our scope is broad. At Chisholm, we currently deliver training across multiple industry areas.

Short courses, micro-credentials, skill sets and diplomas can be customised to suit client and industry requirements. We listen, ask, collaborate and monitor progress to make sure we deliver on every detail. Our goal is always to ensure the best outcome for our clients.

Our reach is global

We have undertaken successful tailored collaborative training projects in Asia, Africa, the Pacific Islands and the Middle East. Following are examples:

  • China: Over the past 20 years, we have partnered with 15 colleges to deliver programs that resulted in more than 60,000 graduates. We currently co-deliver diploma courses with nine colleges, supported by annual teacher training and mentoring; over 2500 students graduate from these programs annually.
  • Vietnam: We led a major TVET reform project for the Government of Vietnam, training over 350 teachers and supporting 25 colleges to deliver more than 12 Australian qualification streams to 727 students.
  • Sri Lanka: We work with CINEC to develop capacity, train teachers and co-deliver courses across key sectors in health, and are planning to expand delivery to include engineering, business and IT.
  • Qatar: We provided teacher development and delivered qualifications across four streams for Qatar Petroleum, and continued this into technical schools in partnership with Qatar’s Ministry of Education and Higher Education, with over 200 students participating in the two programs annually.
  • Kiribati: We supported teacher development and conducted assessments that led to 150 candidates gaining Australian qualifications annually.

Learn more about third party international providers that Chisholm collaborates with to deliver training and assessment.

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