Providing a positive student experience is important to us and we will always do our best to resolve your concerns.
Step one
Raise your concern with the staff member involved as soon as possible after the issue arises. Attempt to resolve it with them informally. The Student Complaints and Appeals policy (QMS 306) explains how the Institute can assist you to resolve your concerns informally.
Step two
If you cannot reach an informal resolution, you can lodge a formal complaint via the form below or by completing QMS306_04 – Formal Complaint form.
The Student Complaints Officer will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and then refer it to the relevant delivery area for investigation and response.
Step three
If the outcome of your complaint is unsatisfactory to you, you may request an appeal review within 10 working days of notification of the decision by completing QMS306_05 – Student Appeal form.
Making a formal complaint
Use the below form if you wish to make a formal complaint about:
- A Chisholm Institute service, process, action, or an academic or administrative decision, or
- The conduct of an employee, student or other person associated with Chisholm Institute
The Institute is subject to the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.The details you provide below will be used to process and investigate your complaint.You have a right to gain access to your personal information held by the Institute. Requests for access are managed under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Refer to the Institute Privacy Policy.
Assessment Appeals are handled through a separate process. Please refer to QMS111 Assessment of Learning (VET) or QMS113 Assessment of Learning (Higher Education) for the steps to appeal an assessment decision.