Australian Apprenticeship Support Network

Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers are funded and contracted by the Australian Government to provide support services to employers, apprentices, and trainees.

The AASN will provide you with the most up-to-date information, administrative assistance, support, and advice regarding your apprenticeships or traineeships. AASN will also help you to administer incentives for apprenticeship opportunities through the Australian Apprenticeships Incentive Program.

Learn more about Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers.

Group Training Organisation

The Group Training Organisation (GTO) provides a simple, low-risk solution to hiring and managing apprentices and trainees. If your business is unable to provide the resources and time to help the apprentice or trainee complete their full ‘on-the-job' training, then consider using a Group Training Organisation (GTO).

Placing your apprentice or trainees with the host employers will help enhance their training experience. It will also ensure that they receive the full set of experiences needed to meet their required competencies.

Learn more about a Group Training Organisation.

Apprenticeship Support Officers

Our Apprenticeship Support Officers (ASO) provide advice on workplace, training, or personal issues that could impact your apprentice or trainee in their early stage of their apprenticeship or traineeship.  

The ASO offers a free, professional, and confidential service. They aim to assist apprentices or trainees who are seeking to improve their literacy and numeracy skills to give them a greater chance of completing their apprenticeship or traineeship. They can also help contact services outside of their training like Centrelink, the FairWork Ombudsman and WorkSafe.

To connect with our Apprenticeship Support Officers, call on 1300 311 820 (within business hours between 9:00 am until 5:00 pm) or email