Open for Business
29 January, 2024
As the final pieces were being in put into place staff began moving into their new home this week. Stage 2 of the Frankston Redevelopment Project is now ready to welcome students to the new Building C for Term 1 classes on Monday 29 January. For a look inside this state of the art new facility visit our online gallery.

Frankston Redevelopment Project – Stage 2 UPDATE
8 November, 2023
As we move closer to completion, work on Stage 2 of the Frankston Redevelopment Project continues. Great progress has been made on the Kingspan cladding, with the southern façade now nearing completion and works continuing on east and north facing panels. Service rough ins and fit offs are ongoing, bringing essential utilities to site, and sections of the timber ceiling are now complete with installation of panels to line the internal void taking place shortly. Internal spaces are also starting to take shape with the installation of joinery, carpet and vinyl flooring across all levels. As completion draws closer we are on track to relocate occupants to their new facilities soon in preparation for teaching to commence in Term 1 of 2024.

Future Occupants Tour Frankston Building Site
26 June, 2023
Representatives from future occupant groups were invited to take part in a walkthrough of the new building this week. Following an update on construction progress the group toured each level of the site viewing the new spaces that are taking shape. The installation of structural steel to support the roof structure has now commenced and once completed will tie into the concrete core of the building. In parallel to the steel, the first of the Fletcher Road windows have arrived and installation is now underway. Fit out of the lower floors is also progressing well with the building on track to reach lock up stage.

Frankston Redevelopment Project Update – Member for Carrum site visit
2 June, 2023
Work on Stage 2 of the Frankston Redevelopment Project continues as we move closer to completion later in the year. The Member for Carrum, Sonia Kilkenny was on site this week to tour the site and meet with students, teachers and some of our apprentices working on the project. Wil Whitnell and Pat Siddall (pictured) completed their apprenticeships at Chisholm and are now employed by our Mechanical and Plumbing sub-contractors to assist with the build.

Premier Tours Frankston Redevelopment Site
12 April, 2023
As work continues on the $67.6 million Frankston Redevelopment Project, Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney were on site last week with Member for Frankston Paul Edbrooke to view the amazing progress. Accompanied by Chisholm Board Chair Prue Digby, CEO Stephen Varty, and Director, Infrastructure and IT, Richard Pratten, the group were led on a tour encompassing all three levels of the future state of the art facility.
With the structural steel and building core near completion and the third-floor slab now in place the group were able to see some of the building’s core features taking shape. Work on internal walls and services rough-in continues, with the building expected to be watertight in the next 6 weeks. Once this milestone is achieved the team will turn their focus to the internal fit out.

Minister for Frankston visits Chisholm worksite
3 April, 2022
State Member for Frankston Paul Edbrooke joined Chisholm’s CEO Stephen Varty and Director - Infrastructure and IT, Richard Pratten on site this month to view the progress being made on Stage 2 of the Frankston Redevelopment Project. Concrete works continue with the slabs on all three floors due for completion by Easter. Façade and roofing works will then commence with the building expected to reach lock-up stage in June.

Chisholm Board Tours Frankston Redevelopment Site
2 December, 2022
Members of Chisholm’s Board were on site this week for a tour through Stage 2 of the Frankston Redevelopment Project. Led by Kane Construction’s Senior Project Manager, John Moran, the group inspected the ground level infrastructure before moving up to level 2 to better see how the building will fit into the surrounding campus grounds. There was an opportunity to visualise the planned atrium space at the centre of the new building and to further discuss some of the construction techniques being implemented on site. The tour showcased the great progress that has been made on site to date and provided a sneak-peek at some of the key features of the build.

First Concrete Pour – Frankston Redevelopment Stage 2
11 August, 2022
Despite the rain, acting Chisholm CEO Toniann Stitz visited the Frankston Campus last week to check the progress of the first slab pour at the Frankston Redevelopment Stage 2 site. Infrastructure & IT Director Richard Pratten, and Head of Campus Services & Infrastructure Lisa Speakman were also in attendance as the first of four slabs making up the ground floor of the new Building C was poured. The visit marked a significant milestone in the project’s construction as we finally begin to see Stage 2 rise from the ground.

Breaking Ground on a New Era at Chisholm Institute Frankston
22 April, 2022
On Friday 22 April we broke ground on Stage 2 of the Frankston Redevelopment Project. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, The Minister for Training and Skills, and the State Member for Frankston were joined by Stephen Varty, Stephen Marks and local officials in a ceremonial Sod Turn to mark the occasion.
Read Breaking Ground on a New Era at Chisholm Institute Frankston

Chisholm Welcomes Frankston Campus Stage 2 Funding
27 November, 2020
The Victorian Government has officially confirmed their investment in the second stage of the Frankston campus redevelopment. The Minister for Training and Skills, the Hon. Gayle Tierney was on campus today to make the exciting announcement.