![Chisholm logo](/img/Chisholm/logo-chisholm-black.png)
![Chisholm logo](/img/Chisholm/logo-chisholm-white.png)
![Chisholm logo](/img/Chisholm/logo-chisholm-black.png)
Frequently asked questions
How do I enrol?
To enrol you will need to apply online on our website. Just click or tap on “APPLY NOW” on the page of the course of your choice and follow the instructions.
Once you submit your information you receive a confirmation email with the next steps. Once you complete the steps you will receive a call from a Course Advisor to make an appointment to come in for an interview. -
What will I need to bring with me to the interview?
We will need you to bring several documents to complete your enrolment. Your Course Advisor will tell you exactly what you’ll need, but documents can include:
- Current proof of residency document with your name on it: Australian Birth Certificate (not Birth Extract), Australian or New Zealand Passport, green Medicare card, Naturalisation Certificate, or formal Department of Home Affairs document confirming permanent residency
- Proof of age if under 20 years of age: Australian driver’s licence or Learner’s permit, key pass card, or Proof of Age card
- Appropriate card if claiming concession: Health Care Card, Veterans Gold Card, or Pensioner Concession Card
- Unique Student Identifier (USI) number
- If required, Year 12 VCE or VCAL Senior (not Intermediate) certificate issued from the state government
Can I still enrol if I don’t have my VCE/VCE Vocational Major yet?
Yes, you can. However, you will have to undertake the Basic Key Skills Builder (BKSB) Language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) review. This is a test that’s taken in an online environment.
Where can I get a USI number?
If you’ve done training since 2015, you probably already have a USI. Finding out what it is, or getting one if you don’t have one, is simple. Go to www.usi.gov.au to find out more.
Can I check on the progress of my application?
It's easy to track your application status - visit www.chisholm.edu.au/mystatus. Just make sure you have your reference number.
Am I eligible for Free TAFE?
You may be eligible for a Free TAFE course if you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident or a New Zealand citizen, and meet certain criteria. Find out about the criteria and much more on our Free TAFE page.
What courses can I do under Free TAFE?
We are happy to offer most of the courses on the Free TAFE list. View our Free TAFE courses list.
Is Free TAFE completely free?
Free TAFE covers your tuition fees, but there may be other fees you need to pay, such as student services fees and materials fees.
Can I pay in instalments?
Yes, you can. At Chisholm we use Debitsuccess, an external company that manages instalment payments. Debitsuccess currently charges a billing fee of 4.6 per cent which is calculated upfront and distributed over the duration of your payments, and a one-off administration fee of $10. For new payment plans from 30 September, the billing fee will be 4.47 per cent and the administration fee will be $12.
Can I get help paying for my fees?
Yes, you can. We have programs and scholarships for students experiencing financial hardship, including through the Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation. Applicants need to meet certain criteria to be eligible. Ask us about financial assistance at your interview.
Do you offer concession rates?
Yes, we offer concession rates for courses up to Certificate IV for government-subsidised training places only. For you to get the concession rate, we will need to see your original and current card (Healthcare, Pension or Veterans Gold Card) with your name on it, or listed dependants’ names, at the time of enrolment. Concession rates also apply to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders at all qualification levels when undertaking government-subsidised training.
What if I can’t pay all of my fees at the time of enrolment?
We can pre-enrol you and email you a Fee Statement which will tell you how much you need to pay and when. You can then pay online or in person by the due date to secure your enrolment. Note that you are not formally enrolled in a course until you have paid for your course, or have registered with DebitSuccess to pay in instalments.
What courses can I do under Free TAFE?
We are happy to offer most of the courses on the Free TAFE list. View our Free TAFE courses list.
If I enrol and change my mind, can I get a refund?
You can receive a refund up to 28 days after you have commenced your course. A $50 withdrawal administration fee will apply.
Parking on campus
Parking is available on campus, but you will need to register your vehicle/s for a virtual parking permit. While parking is free, infringements will be issued if users park inappropriately or park without an ‘active’ registered vehicle.
Click here to register your vehicle: Log In (vpermit.com.au)
For answers to common questions about parking, read Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I get my timetable?
You should receive your timetable before you commence your class. If you have not received your timetable by the commencement date, speak to your teacher.
How do I get my student card?
Your student card can be issued at Reception at any Chisholm location except Lonsdale Street, Dandenong.