Tina started her Certificate IV in Visual Arts at Chisholm Institute of TAFE to develop her art skills.  She hopes that through her art, she can spread awareness, educate others and better inform the public about the Palestinian conflict.

With many of her family members remaining in Palestine, she was constantly worried for their safety.

During her course, she was involved in a serious car crash that gave her short-term memory loss, which led to having trouble concentrating in class and completing assignments.

Furthermore, Tina's uncle passed away, adding to her emotional stress.  But through it all, she never gave up.

Her teachers worked with her to create an achievable assessment load and encouraged her through her recovery.  She used her art to help her heal emotionally and physically.

Her studies helped her to realise art’s great potential to communicate messages and capture emotions, and she wanted to learn more.

She then enrolled in the Diploma of Visual Arts to learn new techniques, and is gaining more confidence to share her passion for her culture through art.

She has already found employment with an air-brushing company. And her goal is to become a full-time artist. Along with her art partner, Ayah Zakout, they have created the joint artist name “Bahr Watani” to share their Palestinian culture through art and create a safe community for those grappling with global conflict.

Tina was selected as a finalist in the Vocational Student of the Year category of the 2024 Chisholm Education Awards, for her determination and for using her art as a peaceful avenue to raise awareness and understanding of global political issues.

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