For 20 years, Kylie had been told by her partner that she wasn’t good enough. Her self-esteem was shot. She had no confidence left.

As a single mother, working to overcome the trauma of family violence and trying to be the best mum she could be to her daughter, she gathered the courage to enrol at Chisholm Institute of TAFE in the Certificate III in General Education for Adults.

A Caroline Chisholm Education Foundation Scholarship provided the financial assistance she needed to embark on her study journey. And she received a highly sought-after cadetship in nursing.

Studying has helped her to re-build her self-esteem and to develop new life goals, to work in mental health and paramedicine nursing.

Kylie now wants to help patients who’ve had similar experiences to her. 

“Believe in yourself, then pass that belief onto others so they can overcome adversity too,” says Kylie.

Her remarkable journey of change led to her being selected as a finalist in the Foundation Student of the Year category of the 2024 Chisholm Education Awards.

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