Hang, a qualified pediatrician from Vietnam, moved to Australia with her husband and discovered that her overseas qualifications were not recognised in Australia. She also realised that she needed to learn English to be able to succeed in her new home country.

On arrival, she enrolled to study the Certificate II in English as an Additional Language (EAL) - Access, at Chisholm Institute of TAFE, and then continued to hone her skills with a Certificate III in English as an Additional Language (EAL) - Access)  at Chisholm online, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

On a small iPad with two young children under three constantly demanding her attention, and no childcare available, her initial struggle was evident. Her tired face and eagerness to learn created a conflicting picture.

These challenges, coupled with homesickness and leaving her previous life behind, took a toll on Hang. She simply wanted to contribute to the family by finding employment. Her self-esteem was low and becoming a doctor in Australia seemed like an impossible dream.

When she started, Hang was withdrawn, quiet, and with low aspirations; she could barely communicate with staff or with other students. Her writing and study skills were satisfactory, but she struggled with speaking. Once Hang worked through her shyness and confidence barriers, her speaking and pronunciation skills improved tremendously.

Hang's eagerness to learn is evident through continuously seeking opportunities to engage with students from different language backgrounds (not just Vietnamese) so she can practice her English skills.

Hang is now blossoming into a confident, gentle leader with a clear vision for her future in Australia.

She would like to become a NAATI qualified translator, and eventually, to work as a doctor again, in Australia.

Congratulations to Hang, who was selected as a finalist in the Foundation Student of the Year category of the 2024 Chisholm Education Awards.

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