Mollie Testro


Mollie Testro

Certificate III in Dental Assisting

Mollie Testro transformed her part time job at the local dental clinic to a Year 11, school-based traineeship. By November last year Mollie had completed the Certificate III in Dental Assisting at Frankston campus, plus the VCE Vocational Major, plus her dental traineeship and is already one of the lead nurses – General Anesthetics at the clinic.

Read more about Mollie's story.

Anastasia Papageorgiou

Anastasia Papageorgiou

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Anastasia has achieved her Certificate III in Early Childhood Education against many odds. She recently moved to Australia with dependent family members from the Ukraine and Germany, determined to use her Chisholm studies to improve her family’s life. For Anastasia, her Chisholm education was a gift, an opportunity to contribute to her new country through employment and be a role model to her own daughter.

Read more about Anastasia's story.

Basirat Alieva

Basirat Alieva

Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care   

In Russia, Basirat yearned for further education. When she migrated to Melbourne, she was overjoyed to undertake the Early Childhood Education Diploma.

Despite limited English, Basirat was never afraid to ask for help and worked doubly hard to understand course content. Her cultural knowledge and language proficiencies are assets in the classroom. By working hard to overcome language barriers, Basirat has proven to be an asset in the workplace.

Read more about Basirat's story.

Geoffrey Dale Carroll

Geoffrey (Dale) Carroll

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care Traineeship

Dale does not let his age define him. He is a strong example of people discovering their next career path later in life through TAFE. A mature aged student with a wealth of experience to share, he holds multiple degrees, including post qualifications and industry skills.

He’s currently training as a child-care educator. With his classmates, he is a natural mentor.

Read more about Dale's story.

Sivly Ung

Sivly Ung

Certificate III in Early Childcare Education and Care

Sivly had worked in the IT industry for more than 20 years but had become unemployed during COVID.

As a single-mother and mature-aged student, she bravely changed direction and enrolled in the Certificate III in Early Childcare Education and is now a passionate advocate for children with high needs.

Sivly demonstrates that age and circumstance don’t have to prevent you from fulfilling your dreams.

Read more about Sivly's story.

Stephanie Watson

Stephanie Watson

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Stephanie came into the Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care program as quite a reserved student who was embarking on a big leap in life, from working in fast food jobs.

Through her course, and with mentoring and support, she has transformed her life and is thriving in her ECE work; her employer is amazed by the extent of her growth and success.

Read more about Stephanie's story.