Samantha Edwards
Graduate Certificate in Family Violence
Samantha is a proud Worimi/Biripi woman with a passion for cultural therapeutic ways of practice, addressing cycles of family violence and child protection for Aboriginal people, as well as reducing their overrepresentation within statutory systems.
A contributor to eight Indigenous community organisations, Samantha brought her passion into the classroom. She keenly shared Indigenous culture with students and lecturers, contributing to class content, and exemplifying Chisholm values.

Kalidjah Walsh
Certificate III in Barbering
A proud Gunai/Kurnai man, Kalidjah Walsh has excelled in the Certificate III in Barbering.
While experimenting in barbering through social media tutorials Kalidjah discovered he possessed raw talent and easily secured an apprenticeship at Style & Co barbering in Traralgon.
A quiet achiever, he has excelled in the classroom and workplace, and is now a role model for young men seeking an alternative education pathway.

Lisa Wilbraham
Diploma of Nursing
Lisa is a shining example of the success that comes when you identify a goal and are supported to achieve it. Lisa not only achieved her goal, she smashed it. Already working casually at the Bunurong Health Service in Dandenong, she is trying for a position at Eastern Health’s Koori graduate nurse program. She credits her success to the supportive lecturers and staff at Chisholm.