There are three types of recognition that can assist you to achieve your qualification:

  • Credit Transfer (CT)
  • Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Credit Transfer (CT)

Credit Transfer is a process of recognising your previous formal studies that are equivalent to one or more units that form part of the qualification you are enrolling in. You will need to provide verified copies of Statements of Attainments or formal academic transcripts that list the units for which you are seeking Credit Transfer. We will confirm the equivalence and you will not need to repeat those units in your current study.

There is no fee for Credit Transfer.

Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)

RCC is the assessment of a person's current capacity to perform; it applies if an individual has previously successfully completed the requirements for a unit of competency or a module and is now required to be reassessed to ensure that the competence is being maintained. This applies to things such as First Aid, which is only current for three years.

Fees vary depending on the assessment required and may involve re-enrolling in the unit, or assessment of evidence from current practice in a similar manner as RPL.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Your existing skills, knowledge and experience can help you get a recognised qualification, through an assessment process called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). You could be granted a full or part qualification, saving you valuable time and money, while enhancing your career prospects.

The process could suit you if you have:

  • paid or unpaid work experience
  • prior formal training
  • skills and knowledge gained on the job
  • community work experience
  • short course and work-based learning
  • trade skills
  • other life experience.

Please note: If your course is required for a membership to a professional organisation, please check the organisation's policies or terms and conditions regarding credit transfer, recognition of current competency or recognition of prior learning. For some industry-accredited courses, Chisholm is required to align to the external governing body guidelines, and this may impact how much credit or RPL can be granted.

Evidence you might need to supply

Your RPL assessor will discuss with you the most appropriate evidence you can provide to support your application, this may include:

  • work appraisals
  • job descriptions
  • photos or actual work samples
  • relevant formal qualifications
  • resume and references
  • in-house training certificates
  • eye witness testimonies
  • observation at your workplace or a simulated workplace
  • informal RPL interviews.


Costs are significantly reduced if you apply for RPL before you start your course!

Applications for RPL which are processed up-front, prior to commencement of a course, are eligible for a tuition discount.

For government-subsidised or full fee-paying students, the units/modules you are applying for RPL in will be charged at 50 per cent of the normal tuition rate. Please note there is no charge for the assessment of RPL for higher education courses.

If further RPL is processed/applied for after the commencement of class-based units, normal tuition fee will apply. 

RPL units do not incur the Student Services and Amenities or the Ancillary fees.

The RPL process

  • Step one: Book an appointment with the RPL assessor within the department you are seeking RPL.
  • Step two: Meet with the assessor to discuss what process and evidence will best support your application.
  • Step three: Gather evidence to support your application. Your RPL assessor will support you via email or phone as required.
  • Step four: Meet again with your RPL assessor they can work through your evidence with you.
  • Step five: Your assessor will make a decision on your application and will advise you of the outcome.